DMCA / Copyright Policy

Last Updated: January 23, 2022

In accordance with our Terms, we respect your intellectual property and may remove any content believed to infringe on these rights. This site is deemed a Service Provider and qualifies for certain safe harbor provisions under the DMCA. We affirm the following Notice and Takedown policy:

Notice of Infringement:

Please send a notice to or complete our contact form providing:

a) A description and link to the infringed copyrighted work.

b) A statement confirming ownership of the infringed copyrighted work.

c) Your telephone number and email address.

d) A statement, under penalty of perjury, that all given information is true and complete and you are authorized to act as the copyright owner or on behalf of.

e) Your full name as an electronic signature confirming ownership of the infringed copyrighted work or authorization to act on behalf of.

Takedown Procedure:
We reserve the right to takedown any material believed to infringe on intellectual property rights based on the facts and circumstances. It is our policy to terminate the account of repeat infringers and will act expediently to remove access to all infringing material in accordance to the procedures of 17 U.S.C. §512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”).